LOCAL EVENTS, Go Green Locally, GoGreenLocally org is a nonprofit information hub and online resource designed to help concerned citizens take action at the grassroots level work with their communities to clean and repair the environment, protect our natural resources, and work for a more sustainable world.
BLOG, Cut The Crap, by Zoe Petit our Research Manager. Cut the Crap is a great resource to learn about all things green!
Ethical Hour Blog has four main goals: to connect ethically-minded people, help ethical businesses build their skills, encourage smarter shopping, and create a global network for positive change.”
Moral Fibres Blog Information on living a greener life can be easy, affordable, and stylish
TOXINS Non-Toxic Neighborhoods (NTN), Kim Konte. Kim Konte is the leading expert on moving towns towards organic land care management. NTN is currently working to have city leaders around the county adopt the Children’s Environmental Bill of Rights NTN provides the resources, expertise, and partner with you every step of the way to successfully transition to organic and regenerative management.
NTN’s Advisor, Dean Baker MD shares the dangers of pesticide exposure in this short video.
Video from Washington, DC when Irvine’s landscape superintendent, Dennis Chiotti spoke to the benefits of switching to organically maintaining pest pressure in the landscape.
Dean Baker MD shares the flaws in the regulatory system and the dangers of ultra low dose exposure to pesticides captured at NTN’s Best Practices in Non-Chemical and Organic Management training we hosted for municipal and county land managers and staff.
Check out this interview with Rich Roll and Dr. Zach Bush on Food Independence and more here
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